Double Post Monday(Don't expect this to happen ever again)!: Scary Stories - A Dramatic Reading

Two posts in one day! This one is me getting rid of my backlog of stuff to talk about. I should admit, I am a fan of scary stories and tales that cause goosebumps to go up your spine. I actively seek out these stories and often find just the right thing to get my fix. One day, I landed on a gold mine in the form of one woman's youtube channel. The subject of this post is

The Little Fears
I blame this book for my obsession with scary stories

The Little Fears is a youtube channel that takes scary stories from around the web that were traditionally in a written format and gives theme a dramatic reading. I personally find the reader's voice to be smooth and relaxing, which often betrays the actual meaning of what she is saying. It creates a sort of cognitive dissonance that is perfect for unsettling someone, rather than jumping out and scaring them. It is this kind of gradual horror, and occasionally psychological horror, that I feel our entertainment mediums are really missing the mark on these days. We need more slow creeping horror and less jumping at the screen horror. In that facet, The Little Fears provides wonderfully. There is only one video that she has ever released that could even be viewed as a 'screamer.' Even then, it doesn't appear to have been intended that way. One fair warning though, she updates so rarely, that one of her readings will only show up once in a blue moon. However, it is almost always worth the wait.

Go give her some views, she deserves it.


  1. You know a story is good if it gives you goosebumps.

  2. @Bob - Exactly what happens to me every time I watch her stuff

  3. Some creepy stuff D: I subscribed to her channel, time to do the long wait in between updates, I guess ^^

  4. Just going to save this for a dark and lonely night....

  5. not checking the video right now cause it's not even 6am yet, no one is awake at home and i'm easily creeped out. i'll check it out later. hehehehhh

  6. Nice story and cool video, keep it up.

  7. scary story, and cool vid. thanks

  8. Oh god I remember that book from grade school.

  9. will check it out, I love that kind of stories
