The Osama Issue

Sunday night Osama Bin Laden, a man America had been chasing for around 10 years, was finally found. He was also killed in a firefight, suppose that is pretty important to mention. Of course, if you've been outside your basement over the past few days, you are probably aware of this. So why talk about it? Because I'm not honestly certain how I feel about the whole, "He's Dead," thing.

Coincidentally, anyone want to congradualte him on his second term?

I mean, yes, it is great that we've now bought ourselves a feeling of momentary safety. I say momentary because we here in America are likely to see a backlash from all of this some time soon. That is, if Al Qaeda isn't essentially a bunch of bumbling chimps without their cave jumping leader. My problem, though, is that he had to die. I probably sound like a terrorist now, but hear me out. I, like many Americans, value the sanctity of life. I believe we should do our best to preserve it and its quality. So, when I hear someone has been murdered, I can't help but feel a little sad.

Alright, I'll admit it. I just added this one for fun.

However, This guy was a mass murderer and he wasn't even killing people for one of the cool reasons, like because he saw it in a video game. He murdered people almost solely because they were from the west and weren't Muslims. The guy is a prick by all accounts, and while I'm sad he had to die, I'm not exactly upset to see him go. It's a very odd state of being.

I guess this is one of those times where we have to test our convictions. Do we join the people at ground zero that are essentially dancing on a man's grave, or do we feel a little sad that he had to die and move on?

It's up to you to choose.


  1. That gif always makes me laugh, its from Saturday Night Live right?

  2. Yeah lol funny gif.
    I'm gonna follow and read into your posts at a later time! Blog seems interesting

  3. @Tommy

    Yeah, it is. I was surprised to find that some of my friends thought it was real. I guess if you orchestrated the death of Osama Bin Laden, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

  4. Second picture made me lol

  5. More violence never solves anything, and cherishing someone's death won't do anything either. If it makes some people feel good, by all means. I do not mourn this loss, but I'm not hanging a flag outside my house either.

  6. Lol'd hard at the violent video game reference.

  7. @Adam
    That's really what I feel is the best option, and it is the one I'm using. It just bugs me how some people are getting so much joy out of this. I literally saw what can only be described as a small, local "'MERICA!" parade down my street.

  8. I wonder what this is going to do for his re election

  9. @Glaser

    It stands a good chance of becoming a major boost to his campaign. Especially when you consider that he made the speech announcing his death on the same day as Bush's "Mission Accomplished" speech.

    Of course, if he doesn't develop a plan for lowering gas prices, a lot of people still won't vote for him.

  10. Unfortunately, people will always be dying, or getting killed. It's the way of the world, and there isn't much we can do about it. Personally, it doesn't make me happy or sad or angry or anything. Nothing to do but keep on doing.

    Nice gif.

  11. haha that gif is really funny, obama rules. also, following!

  12. It's a bit weird how they killed him and buried him in one day and there's no photographic evidence.

  13. 1st - don't like Obama too much.
    2nd - nice gif ;)

  14. @Mike, actually, I heard they set him out to sea. I'm not really concerned with having photographic evidence that a guy, who has essentially been a ghost for the past 10 years, is dead.

  15. I kinda agree with Mike though, some believe his body is in the USA right now!

  16. I don't care for the situation and its lack of evidence.

  17. lol'd at the gifs.

    good blog. followed

  18. Haha i just lol'd so hard. Made my day thanks.

  19. I've gotta say, the only good that can come from this is that we take our revenge blood and get the hell out of that country. Unfortunately this won't happen. I've gotta agree with you, no death should be met with this much joy.

  20. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- One man dead wont fix our problems.

  21. GIF = What he thinks of our freedom!

  22. I'm not sad that he's dead, quite happy honestly. My problem comes with all the weird circumstances surrounding it.. Essentially guaranteeing Obama's second term for one.

  23. I don't know if it'll guarantee his second term... it's debatable. Once the hype from this dies down a bit, his opponents will pick up old things and find new things to call him on, his allies will staunchly defend him... the brilliant cycle of 21st century politics.

  24. This is a well written argument. Enjoyed the read. Thanks.

  25. lol nice gif

    Check out my blog!!

  26. agreed, i'll follow further posts
