About the Occupation

A lot of news coverage has been given recently to the "Occupy Wall Street" bunch. Let me say, I am a poor wanderer, I'm not part of the elite. However, I find the "Occupy Wall Street" movement to be, at best, pointless. Now, I understand that we all want something to happen in this bitter fight against having to reap what we've sown, but what is this supposed to accomplish. Inform people about things like "1% of the population controls a majority of the wealth. We are the 99%."

Do they seriously think people didn't fucking know this?

Now, I've met a lot of stupid people wandering about, but not a one of them didn't understand that there were rich people on the planet that controlled basically everything. This is how it has been for ages. Hell, that is how it is in other countries, not just the United States. Are we really just now getting upset about something that has been well known for ages. Even worse, do we really want to claim that by standing in the streets we can change the way our economy has been destined to end up since its creation? We live in a capitalist country. Don't expect for the wealth to be shared.

That's not to say I'm not all for a good Rebellion

Who knows, it might justify me carrying around the pistol on my trips

However, a rebellion requires real dedication and the willingness to sacrifice everything for nothing more than to make a point. You have to be willing to lay down your life for what you believe in. I don't think a single person on wall street right now has that kind of dedication to this cause. Hell, sometimes even that isn't enough, because you have to have a plan and a real reason behind your sacrifice. 

One last thing, and this one might get me chased out of town: I know when they make statements like "We are the 99%," the protesters are trying to invoke a sense of power in numbers. After all, if there are tons of us, a few rich people with resources and connections couldn't keep us down and in line. They couldn't possibly stand up to us. It's not like 6 million people have ever been controlled by just a few hundered thousand. 

Nope, nothing like that has ever happened
I've seen it all before.

Mark my words, this rebellion will be squashed. 

I've been asked to write a poem a week. I'm not particularly good at it, but I feel that some of them are worth publishing here. After all, the standards aren't exactly high here on blogger.

So here we go

The Burn
I look skyward
As black clouds coat the moon
I'm taken
To rainy days
Spent locked in the attic

Playing with retired toasters
and creased photos
fumbling through relics
Reveling in the safety their age brings

To days also spent in my matron's kitchen
Staring into a bowl
 Of chicken noodle soup
Listening as she makes plans for my life,
Or maybe hers

My safety net gone
I drop the matchbox
The gasoline 

It wasn't really intended to be so damn depressing. It just kind of happened. If anyone reads it, tell me what you think!

One last thing. Here is what has me laughing today:
 It really is a much bigger deal for people than I anticipated.